The annual planning system that paid off for Pepper 🗓️


Moxie Musings

Join 2600+ artists & makers receiving monthly musings to help you build and grow your brand as a creative business owner. Plus more resources & goodies from me, the brand strategist & coach for creatives!

Mini Moxie

Your weekly dose of branding advice for creatives to help you share your work, grow your audience, and own your moxie.

We are swiftly approaching the end of the year, Reader 😱

(scary, I know!)

This means that if you're anything like me, you're thinking about planning the next year of your creative business.

Or maybe the thought of planning anything, let alone a whole year, has your shoulders already starting to scrunch up next to your ears with tension, your hands tightening into fists, and your face grimacing in pain.

Whichever team you're on, I'm here to help!

See I've been running my business for six years now and helping many creatives throughout that time with theirs too. And I've developed a system for planning your year that will take you just 30 minutes and only six simple steps.

I promise, even doing just ONE of these steps will be better than planning nothing in your business, but if you do the whole shebang, it might pay off big time! That's what happened for Pepper anyway – see what she said about it today 👇🏻

And Pepper's not the only one! When I stopped running these workshops in person, I had people asking me all the time when they were coming back because they found them so valuable! (Now I run them in The Next Level Creative so everyone around the world can come 🤩)

So in this week’s podcast episode, I walk you through this exact process that I use to plan my entire year as a creative business owner so you can do it too.

Ready to get organised so you can make your dreams happen in 2024, Reader? 🙌 ⤵️

This week's episode

The six-step system for planning your entire year as a creative business owner

We're recording Episode 100 live online!

And you're invited!

December 12th,
10:30am NZT

Join us for a panel discussion with four previous guests to celebrate reaching 100 episodes and learn about branding your passion from four amazing creatives who've done it incredibly well!

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8 Simple brand goals to support your creative business goals

12 of the best 2024 planners for creatives

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Keep creating, and I'll talk to you next week!
– Hollie :)

Brought to you by Maker & Moxie®.

2/31 Tahi Street, Miramar, Wellington, Wellington 6022
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Moxie Musings

Join 2600+ artists & makers receiving monthly musings to help you build and grow your brand as a creative business owner. Plus more resources & goodies from me, the brand strategist & coach for creatives!